WOLF WARRIORS-Let the world embrace delicious!


WOLF Warriors Kitchen

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Technical key points of commercial green kitchen engineering design


The kitchen project

1. Determine the efficiency of workflow operations

Although the various workflows are not marked on the drawings, the planning and design is based on the principle of process sequence, and process sequence is everywhere. Whether to ensure the efficiency of the kitchen work process, mainly reflected in the kitchen engineering design. Planning and design must be carefully analyzed, links reduced, distances shortened, processes simplified, and processes made smooth and efficient. Kitchen engineering design is a kind of soft science. It mainly depends on operational thinking and design skills. It optimizes kitchen functions and improves productivity without additional investment.

2. Determine the design of the auxiliary system

All aspects of the design process are organic. Area division, channel setting, workspace division, equipment layout, water and electricity, smoke extraction and other auxiliary facilities are closely related. One of these changes affects the others. In the case of determining the size of the kitchen project, the equipment determines the size of the working area, the size of the working space determines the division of the area, the division of the area also limits the setting of the channel, as well as the changes in the layout of the equipment, water, electricity, smoke and other auxiliary facilities need to be changed accordingly. . It must be considered and adjusted many times, and it is not possible to do it all at once.

3. Determine the function of the kitchen

The function that kitchen project should have depends on the layout of the kitchen. Kitchen project is big and small, but basic function is not small. If the kitchen is too small, you can't set up the studio, but you should also consider the features that should be designed. It should also be designed according to the workflow and process steps without missing any steps.

Commercial kitchen engineering layouts have long - term implications

Once the commercial kitchen engineering layout was implemented, the walls, doors, water and electricity exhaust were constructed and it became a fixed form. Even if the problem is found, it is difficult to change, and there is a certain permanent immutability. Accordingly, optimize commercial kitchen project to have long-term effect to the efficiency of the kitchen.



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